Here’s 5 Things I Love About Retirement
1. I almost never set an alarm clock to wake up in the morning.
This is one of the nicest things about retirement. I get to listen to my body more, which means going to bed when I am tired and getting up when I am rested. If I wake up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours, I can sleep in later in the morning, no problem.
2. My schedule is my own.
I don’t have to call in sick, schedule vacations when it works for the company rather than me, or worry about such schedules
On those days when I am just not feeling it, I can sit around in my pjs all day if I want. When I want to take advantage of some travel opportunity, I just look at my schedule, not someone else’s.
I can schedule my yoga, pilates and Zumba classes during the day if I want.
3. I don’t have a boss.
Whether you liked your boss or not, it is wonderful not to have to answer to anyone. Likewise as a business owner, I don’t have to worry about staff or clients. I get to make my own schedule – or no schedule. I can take off for a few days to go visit friends, or let the contractor come in the next day to put in our new flooring.
As I am again a business owner, I get to design my business the way I want to, spending just the amount of time I want with the business.
4. I get to say no.
When Oprah turned 50 she said one of the best things about reaching fifty is that she doesn’t have to do things she doesn’t want to. If someone wants to go to lunch and I don’t feel like it, I don’t. If I am asked to take on a volunteer project, I can say no if I want to.
5. I can say yes.
Just like I can say no, I now have the time to say yes to so many things. I had always heard about the game of Mah Jongg but never took the time to learn because I thought I would not have the time to play, so why bother. When lessons were offered at our temple I said yes and now I play with a group of friends every week.
When you are ready to tackle questions like when and where to retire, there are ways we can help. We have Feisty & Fearless Over Fifty Circles and Personal, one-on-one coaching.
With membership in Feisty & Fearless Over Fifty Circles, and with Personal Coaching you will
Identify just what you want your retirement to look like
Relief from the uncertainty of retirement
Effective tools and information to move forward
Questions that may seem intense, and will bring forth transformative answers
Tasks to take on between each session to help you achieve the results you are looking for
Build a life of joy, fulfillment and satisfaction
A roadmap for Living the Good Life
If you would like to find out more and set up a free, initial call, send me an email at