When Can I Retire?
Want to know when you can retire? Start here
Where to retire
Social Connections
Ageism Awareness Day
Ageism is the last acceptable ism. Learn what we can do to break that up.
Should I Take a Risk?
Take a Risk - Lead a Big Life. Stay Safe - Make your Life Smaller.
We have lots of energy - How to stay vital and mobile.
Retirement and Being Part of a Couple
Pauline Field interviews Jim Better on the cost of The Later Years - and how to plan for them.
Who’s On My Team?
Pauline Field interviews Jim Better on the cost of The Later Years - and how to plan for them.
Help! I’m Scared of Retiring!
What will you do? How will you replace the friendships you now have at work? Watch the video for how to get started
Cost of the Later Years
Watch the video on how to address the issues of being a couple and retirement.
A Century of Activism and Living Fully
Kelly Hayes-Raitt interviews Pauline FIeld discusses the evolving landscape of cancer treatment and destigmatizing the C-word
Conquering Cancer with Positivity
Pauline Field interviews Sylvia Manheim, a 98-year-old founder of the OSHER Learning Institute at Cal State Long Beach, who shares her remarkable journey of growth, activism, and lifelong learning.
Retire Happily - Hear Pauline Field speak about what it takes to have these be the best years of your life.
Navigating Menopause: Hear Kellie Millar’s journey though this difficult phase of life.
When, How and Why to Sell Your Business with Mary Doyle, Certified Business Broker